Discrimination Against Transgender Individuals in Lebanon

By Giana Williams Nancy, a 35-year-old transgender woman living in Beirut, Lebanon, was woken by armed and masked General Security personnel and was arrested and was taken to a detention facility along with other transgender women. She was tortured and was coerced into confessing to fabricated charges of prostitution. She was thrown into an all-male … Read more

Save Net Neutrality

This effects all people in the U.S. Men, women, students, young and old. Net neutrality keeps the internet free and open — enabling anyone to share and access information of their choosing without interference. Meaning rates may change for internet access and  information will be controlled, silencing free thought. The battle is not lost yet. The … Read more

The Women Who Steered the Civil Rights Movement

    Speaking of the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr., this report by The New York Times pays homage to all the women who accompanied him in his fight for civil rights. According to Diane Nash who was one of the leaders who helped coordinate the historic 54-mile march from … Read more

Op-Ed: A Call to Authenticity: The Plight of Transgender Refugees

Evander Jennings   Picture this: You are looking out upon a scorched desert, humming the song your mother used to sing you to at night when you couldn’t sleep. As you hum this tune you realize there are many more sleepless nights ahead. You remember last night, like so many others. The memories flood back as … Read more

Mona el-Tahawy on Lack of Women’s Progress and the Firestorm that followed

Here is an article that appeared in Foreign Policy, which sent Twitter, FB, and all forms of social media buzzing:  http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/04/23/why_do_they_hate_us?page=0,0 discussing “the real war on women.” For an example of a response, see http://neocolonialthoughts.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/a-response-to-mona-el-tahawy/