Street Harassment Plagues Women the World Over

This BBC article succinctly sums up the issue of street harassment, a type of harassment that can involve cat-calling, groping, lewd comments, verbal threats/coercion, and may escalate into violence.  Every woman I know, including yours truly, has endured frequent street harassment wherever we go, not only while here at East Carolina University.  Many men consider … Read more

Pakistan: Death of Unwanted Babies on the Rise

This article is about the Karachi-based Edhi Foundation, which provides burials for dead and abandoned babies.  The rise of infant death is on the rise because women who get pregnant out or wedlock abandoned their child, or have to kill it for religious purposes.  The babies are mostly girls or sick.  The foundation has even … Read more

Strip Clubs Outpace Laws in Kenya

This article from Women’s E-News discusses the rise of the strip club industry in Kenya. Although the practice is illegal, owners circumvent the laws by registering the businesses as bars. Interestingly, there is a comment saying that they want their patrons to feel “like they feel in Atlanta”.  From my standpoint, the strip club industry … Read more

Invasion of the Vagina

This article does a great job underlining the ridicule in radical anti-choicers’ arguments. This article points out that radical pro-lifers are often more interested in the mistreatment (punishment) of the women undergoing an abortion than the welfare of children. The unequal treatment of men and women when it comes to anti-choicers’ arguments also reveals a … Read more

Maternal Health in the World

Aljazeera has created a special series about maternal health in the world.  The website has videos with detailed stories about maternal health issues around the world.  It has detailed facts about the social problem.  The social facts state that maternal morality is the greatest health disparity in the world.  99% of maternal morality happens in … Read more

Granny Orphanages in Nepal

With the transition from extended families to nuclear families, elderly women have lost their support from their children.  Money, contraception, and education has changed the institution of the family.  Elderly women are showing up are orphanages that were traditionally for children.  Now, the orphanages are becoming packed with elderly women without family members to help … Read more

Same Sex Marriage Protests in Australia

During the Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras, the majority of the floats protested with signs demanding for same sex marriages to be legalized.  Religious leaders have been against same sex marriages because marriage is a sacred union between a male and a female in the Bible.  Politics in Australia are traditionally conservative, so there … Read more