The Cataclysmic Ripples of War in the Lives of Women and Children

By Alexis Bullin Trigger Warning: This contains discussion including sexual violence, abuse, warfare, and death. “I was thirteen when the war spread to my city. I was kidnapped by four sol diers who locked me in a house where I was raped every day by different men for eight months. I had a miscarriage while … Read more

Transgender person allegedly gang-raped in Peshawar A transgender, whom was advocating for the rights of the transgender community, was first kidnapped and then gang-raped by at least nine people in the Gulbahar neighborhood of Peshawar. The culprits also threatened to kill her if she were to say anything about the incident. This was an obvious attack on the LGBT … Read more

India rape cases spark political protest movement   In India, thousands of women have come together to protest the high rates of rape cases. The protest was started after a 2012 rape and murder case resurfaced because of a political official who was not charged for his crime early 2018. Specifically, these women are after high-profile men who have been getting away with a … Read more

Punishing Rape with More Rape? DRC Trauma Stories

Last week, Lauren Wolfe of Women Under Siege wrote about the rape and violence of everyday life in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This violence is tearing families apart. Men, women, and children are caught in the horrors of war and the men are fighting for a sense of control. Husbands of women who have … Read more

Update on Violence Against Women Act

Since the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA, was mentioned during our first class period, I thought it would be good to get an update on the challenges facing Congress as well as identify the main issues with VAWA.

Some testimonies, historical photos, and other resources about comfort women

The following link goes to the e-Museum for the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery. It provides some precious testimonies including late Hak-soon Kim’s historic confession in the year of 1991. It was the first confession for ‘coming out of the closet’ that she was a comfort women in Korea. And it definitely exploded … Read more