Are Women of Color being left out of #Metoo?

Published on January 2, 2018, this article by the Huffington Post discusses the conversation around the movement #Metoo and the place Women of Color hold within the movement. According to the article, women of color feel as if their voices and stories are being drowned out or not heard, even though this movement was created by … Read more

Half The Battle, On Women In Combat

Thomas Hennessey As Veteran’s day approaches (November 9) the discussion of women in combat heats up once again.  In this article Callie Crossley discusses why imagery of women serving is not seen all that often during Veteran’s day celebration despite it being well known that women serve right along side men. The author states that she … Read more

Commentary: Gender Pay Gap persists in 2014

“America’s gender pay gap is at a record low, but hold the celebration” By: Heidi Hartmann Summary: In this September 22 commentary published on, Heidi Hartmann the president of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research critiques a recent U.S. Census Bureau report regarding the “gender pay gap”. Explaining that the recent findings are “not … Read more

The “He for She” Initiative

Elizabeth Nyamayaro is a political scientist dedicated to improving conditions for women around the world. Currently, she is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director for UN Women. Additionally, she is the head of the UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. In this TED talk, Ms. Nyamayaro talks about her childhood experiences growing up … Read more

Jimmy Carter speaks about the mistreatment of women being a human rights issue

Former US President, Jimmy Carter has long been an advocate and proactive in the equal treatment of women around the world. In this recent TED talk, he provides three main reasons for why he believes “the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights issue.” The reasons he cites are: 1) the misinterpretation of scriptures … Read more

Pop Star Identifies As Pansexual

Pop star Miley Cyrus recently revealed to several publications that she considers herself to be gender fluid and pansexual, claiming that she doesn’t label herself as neither boy nor girl and doesn’t limit herself to those labels when choosing romantic partners. Pansexuality is not new, as experts say there have always been people who fall within … Read more

I “just” wanted to point this out…

As students — many of whom will be scouring the job market for opportunities in the near future — we are often preoccupied with the written and spoken language that we use; not solely for the numerous research papers, essays and presentations we are responsible for producing over the course of our educational careers, but … Read more