Pitt County Announces Domestic Violence Prevention Strategy

Thomas Hennessey http://wnct.com/2015/09/30/pitt-county-law-enforcement-agencies-launching-new-program-to-prevent-domestic-violence/ This week Pitt County law enforcement agencies announced a strategy that they believe will decrease domestic violence. The strategy is titled “Legality Assessment Program” or “LAP” and according to the article it is a preventative strike at domestic violence.  The program has created 11 questions that can be used to evaluate a … Read more

Commentary: Gender Pay Gap persists in 2014

“America’s gender pay gap is at a record low, but hold the celebration” By: Heidi Hartmann Summary: In this September 22 commentary published on Fortune.com, Heidi Hartmann the president of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research critiques a recent U.S. Census Bureau report regarding the “gender pay gap”. Explaining that the recent findings are “not … Read more

Pop Star Identifies As Pansexual

Pop star Miley Cyrus recently revealed to several publications that she considers herself to be gender fluid and pansexual, claiming that she doesn’t label herself as neither boy nor girl and doesn’t limit herself to those labels when choosing romantic partners. Pansexuality is not new, as experts say there have always been people who fall within … Read more

I “just” wanted to point this out…

As students — many of whom will be scouring the job market for opportunities in the near future — we are often preoccupied with the written and spoken language that we use; not solely for the numerous research papers, essays and presentations we are responsible for producing over the course of our educational careers, but … Read more

First-Year Duke Student Porn Star

Here is an article about a blog writer for Duke’s website confronting and interviewing a freshman student who has decided to get into the adult movie industry to pay her tuition: http://www.dukechronicle.com/articles/2014/02/14/portrait-porn-star Personally, I believe that any person should have the right to do what they want to (including prostitution, porn, and other taboo professions) … Read more

Roe At Risk: Fighting for Reproductive Justice Review

When I began to think of topics that would interest our entire class, I immediately thought of this video. Compiled by the Alliance 4 Justice, this video address the issue of Reproductive Justice. Many think of FGM or other extremes when you hear anything referring to injustices against women and control over their reproduction on … Read more

Board of…Women?

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/7159.html In this Harvard Business School article, researches ponder the question why there are so few women holding board seats at the 1500 S&P businesses (only 14% of board seats are held by women).  The results of their research are very interesting in some aspects (the similarities in how men and women in business think) and was completely … Read more

Violence Against Women Act 2013

The senate today passed the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act. All of the women senators voted in favor, as did all of the democrats and not surprisingly those who were opposed were republican men. Some very important changes were that Native American women, GLBT women, and immigrant women were all included. I am … Read more