Colleges, Universities Told to Do More to Prevent Sexual Assaults

The issue of sexual assault on college campuses has come to the forefront recently, as Vice President Joe Biden took to the airwaves to discuss the issue last week.  As many who are involved in this blog know, my research is dedicated to this topic – so of course I find it heartening to see … Read more

Gender inequality in African American Intellectual Society (pdf attached)

Anna Julia Cooper Public Intellectuals In this article, Carolyn M Cusick discusses the role of public intellectuals in society. Especially that of Anna Julia Cooper, a young woman born into slavery and recently appointed as teacher at the renowned M Street High School. Cusick focuses on the exclusion black female academics suffered from their male … Read more

Street Harassment Plagues Women the World Over

This BBC article succinctly sums up the issue of street harassment, a type of harassment that can involve cat-calling, groping, lewd comments, verbal threats/coercion, and may escalate into violence.  Every woman I know, including yours truly, has endured frequent street harassment wherever we go, not only while here at East Carolina University.  Many men consider … Read more

Strip Clubs Outpace Laws in Kenya

This article from Women’s E-News discusses the rise of the strip club industry in Kenya. Although the practice is illegal, owners circumvent the laws by registering the businesses as bars. Interestingly, there is a comment saying that they want their patrons to feel “like they feel in Atlanta”.  From my standpoint, the strip club industry … Read more

Women Have a Right to Talk About….Everything

Here’s an interesting piece from NPR host Michel Martin.  Using the example of a letter of complaint recently received from a listener, she briefly addresses a problem many women still struggle with on a daily basis: The idea that what men say, think, do or find interesting in is inherently interesting to everyone, while what … Read more

More Info on Abortion in U.S. Prisons

Abortion Rights for Prisoners Historical Background – – key cases –Griswold v. Connecticut – – 381 US 479 (1965) Invalidated a law prohibiting contraception by married couples –Eisenstadt v. Baird – – 405 US 438 (1972) Extended right to use contraception to unmarried people –Right to privacy is not a marital right –Equal protection of … Read more

Email from Planned Parenthood on upcoming House Vote

This is an email from Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She announces once again that the House is voting to end Title X funding and cut off women from “their only source of primary care.” She goes on to explain how this act would impact millions of women, and leave them … Read more

How Love Lasts: Discovery News (Special VDAY Post)

Something a little lighter for this day of LOVE. I thought this was a very interesting study and worth sharing. I think LOVE is a gender health issue. Happy Vday everyone! Nothing compares to the rush of being newly in love. But even after a decade of marriage or more, some people say their love … Read more