Op-Ed Piece: Microagressions—>Macro Consequences

This Op-Ed will focus on sexuality based violence and discrimination against asexual individuals by both those within the LGBTQ+ Community and those outside of it, stemming from the problem of microagressions as the building blocks of further hate crimes, prejudice, and discrimination as demonstrated by GALOP’s Acephobia and Anti-Asexual Hate Crimes section. As an openly … Read more

Discrimination Against Transgender Individuals in Lebanon

By Giana Williams Nancy, a 35-year-old transgender woman living in Beirut, Lebanon, was woken by armed and masked General Security personnel and was arrested and was taken to a detention facility along with other transgender women. She was tortured and was coerced into confessing to fabricated charges of prostitution. She was thrown into an all-male … Read more

LGBTQ Vulnerability

Link to article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/06/13/sarah-mcbride-gay-survivors-helped-launch-me-too-but-rates-lgbt-abuse-largely-overlooked/692094002/ Sexual assault is a form of violence that disproportionately affects women and minority groups. This can be seen from the rates of sexual assault on LGBTQ people. It’s no shock to me that simply coming out increases one’s risk for sexual assault. The article lists and explains the risk factors LGBTQ people … Read more

The Pride Shield

This video was released on May 15th, for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The video begins with audio of several reports of anti-LGBTQ violence from around the world. It serves as a reminder that in various parts of the world LGBTQ people are still the targets of prejudice and violence. The Pride Shield … Read more

US Supreme Court backs Colorado baker’s gay wedding cake snub

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44361162   Personally, I feel that businesses, regardless of the goods or services provided, should be able to make decisions about whom to serve/service based on their own religious beliefs. I think that this couple chose to elevate this issue way beyond what was necessary, if you don’t like a business owner and their beliefs … Read more

Transgender person allegedly gang-raped in Peshawar

https://tribune.com.pk/story/1615383/1-transgender-kidnapped-gang-raped-peshawar https://www.dawn.com/news/1384776 A transgender, whom was advocating for the rights of the transgender community, was first kidnapped and then gang-raped by at least nine people in the Gulbahar neighborhood of Peshawar. The culprits also threatened to kill her if she were to say anything about the incident. This was an obvious attack on the LGBT … Read more

Op-Ed: A Call to Authenticity: The Plight of Transgender Refugees

Evander Jennings   Picture this: You are looking out upon a scorched desert, humming the song your mother used to sing you to at night when you couldn’t sleep. As you hum this tune you realize there are many more sleepless nights ahead. You remember last night, like so many others. The memories flood back as … Read more

Kenya’s top court considers case to legalize homosexuality

https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/23/africa/case-legalize-homosexuality-kenya/index.html About the issues of Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Commonwealth that we are discussing in class, I want to share this news that is at least hopeful. Last week the High Court in Nairobi started hearing a case that may decriminalize homosexuality. This is a big step considering that as … Read more

Homosexuality in China

http://www.uschina.usc.edu/article@usct?homosexuality_in_china_14740.aspx in 1984, It is issued by “the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate to answer certain number of issues about the current handling of specific law application of Hooliganism”.The homosexual behavior was included in the interpretation of “hooliganism” .In 1997, the Chinese government abolished the hooligan law, an act considered by most to be a decriminalization of homosexuality. In 2001, the Chinese Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list. The association’s evidence included a 1999 study that followed the lives of 51 Chinese gays and lesbians over the course of a year. … Read more