Increasing Femicides in Mexico and Elsewhere: What Can Be Done?

Femicide is defined as a sex-based hate crime, “the intentional killing of females because they are females” Every year, about 66,000 women are killed violently across the globe. Mexico has been experiencing a crisis of femicides. The rate has more than doubled with 3580 women being killed in 2018. Fresh outrage has been sparked in … Read more

Empowering Super Bowl Show or not?

Last night’s half-time show for the Super Bowl featured two Latina stars:  Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. It was high energy with incredible dance routines and complex choreography. Both artists said they wanted the show to be empowering to women. But was it? While these two are undoubtedly talented artists with a lot of star power, … Read more

How I answer the question “what are you?”

This is me, brown eyes, light skin and curly hair. To those I call my people, I look like them and to those who don’t know me, I look ambiguous.  I’ve been working as a waitress for quite some time now and I meet lots of people throughout my week. Since my first week, I’ve … Read more


We all know that #metoo is a global movement going on right now, and it has to deal with personal experiences of sexual assault. It’s giving woman the platform they need to speak out on men who have abused them and taken their innocence from. But since this is mostly girls speaking out, what about … Read more


As we all know it is pride month, I saw on twitter that a jury is going to sentence a man to death because of him being gay. They said that the jury was homophobic and gave him the death sentence. One of the juror members stated how the others knew that Rhine’s was homosexual … Read more

Doctor banned from working for her insensitive actions

A man was suffering from a severe anxiety attack, in which he needed narcotics to help alleviate the attack. The doctor presumed to curse and mock at his condition without caring for his wants and needs. He was in extreme pain and had trouble getting up an breathing. He asked his father to capture her … Read more