Domestic Gag Rule Trump is at it again. Another “empty promise” from his campaign is being fulfilled, which should terrify all of us. His newest order is essentially stripping healthcare providers of all of their funding that assists in cancer prevention, contraception and STI/STD prevention/treatment. Providers like Planned Parenthood (the most well known) and many others that … Read more

Teachers Taking the Place of Correction Officers??

  Good ole Trump and his administration has decided to reduce hiring for government positions. So instead of correction officers who are trained to handle and interact with inmates guarding the facilities, they left it to teachers, nurses, and secretaries. Many people feel as though they are ill-equipped and unsafe on the job which is … Read more

Men experiencing masculinity crisis

This article discusses a counter argument to the idea that feminism is causing negative changes with men. It says that a reason that men have a high suicide rate is because of the over masculine standards that society puts on them. It also talks about how men are less likely to seek help for mental … Read more

THE Judge has been recalled.

The Judge, Aaron Persky, who sentenced Brock Turner to 6 months in jail for his horrendous crime has not been reelected.The author of the article bought up two good questions: Is it prudent to punish a judge for being lenient? and do we want judges to feel like they have to hand out harsher sentences … Read more

LGBTQ Vulnerability

Link to article: Sexual assault is a form of violence that disproportionately affects women and minority groups. This can be seen from the rates of sexual assault on LGBTQ people. It’s no shock to me that simply coming out increases one’s risk for sexual assault. The article lists and explains the risk factors LGBTQ people … Read more

Gender inequality in earnings   The World Bank conducted a study that found out just how much global economics are affected by gender inequality in earnings. Inequality in pay means a decrease in human capital wealth by 21 percent. Women in many countries are not receiving the same education as males and are kept behind in the pay … Read more

Student to Counselor ratio in Texas schools is 684-1 Texas is one of the few states that doesn’t require counselors in their schools, however, due to the recent shooting in Santa Fe Governor Greg Abbott wants to hire more counselors in order to put more attention to the mental health of the students. This is his soft approach to fixing the bigger problem … Read more

Chris Hardwick assaulted his girlfriend for 3 years?

Good evening folks, This blog is going to be about Chris Hardwick and how his girlfriend accused him of sexual and emotional abuse. In this article, Jacey Fortin from NYtTimes has explained the situation clearly. I am just going to refer to his girlfriend as Chole. Chris and Chole were together for three years. Chris … Read more

Women seeking asylum because of domestic abuse – no recourse

A female who suffered daily abuse by her boyfriend and attempted to escape by seeking asylum in the United States, views her situation as hopeless since Attorney General Sessions has renounced domestic violence being a reason for granting asylum to battered women. Should we arbitrarily rule out these women’s claims just because they are attempting … Read more

Mongolia releases data from first Gender based violence survey   This article talks about the astonishing levels of violence against women in Southeast Asia and young girls. The statistic that popped out to me here was that 1 in 10 girls experienced sexual violence (not from a partner) before the age of 15. And if this wasn’t enough, the same women agreed that … Read more