Getting Our Workout On: Cahuita Fishermen Style

Since our arrival in Cahuita, we have been trying to learn as much as we can about the local fishing tradition. We asked the fishers about their boats – how they were built, why they chose their style and color scheme, etc. We recorded, and continue to record, some of the local boats. And we jump in to help in any way we can.

One of the unique aspects of Cahuita life is how the fishermen dock their boats. It has been a treat, and a workout, to help our boat captains roll their boats out of the water. Normally this process is done by two or three men, but our team is so eager to pitch in that it gets hard to find space around the boat to help.

Here is a video, courtesy of Jorge from Willie’s Tours Costa Rica, showing our team help the locals “dock” one of their boats.

Special thanks to Willie’s Tours Costa Rica for setting up our trip, accommodations, and tours; as well as to Don Manuel, Marvin, Loius, Minor, and Chul – our trusty captains.

To see more videos from Willie’s Tours Costa Rica, subscribe to their channel: Willie’s Tours Costa Rica on Youtube