Prepping, Packing, and what made me want to go to Costa Rica:

My preparation for Costa Rica has not been challenging compared to the maze of red tape I faced to study as an international student. Coming from Canada, I was required to have all my documents and immunizations in order attend ECU. I think the biggest challenge I face in getting ready to go to Costa Rica is deciding what and how to pack. My experience traveling with my diving gear has always been an ordeal. Maybe this time I’ll discover the right combination to make the process easier and more efficient.

Field school combines my love of travel with my passion for archaeology. When summer field school was still undecided, it didn’t matter to me where we were going; I only hoped I’d get to go somewhere new. I was very excited when it was finally decided that we’re going to Costa Rica. Costa Rica has been on my list of destinations since one of my good friends mentioned it in our second year of undergrad.

This project interests me by providing an opportunity to extend my knowledge of the slave trade. My previous studies in Atlantic history introduced me to the global economic impact and importance the trade had to the major empires, with particular emphasis on the British Empire and their North American colonies. I hope to learn about the human experiences of life on-board a slave vessel in this field school.


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