Low Visibility? No Problema!

Today’s diving consisted of low visibility, persistence, and good communication. Visibility varied between <1 foot to 1 ½ feet depending on of the amount of diver activity in an area and the surge. Two teams attempted and completed trilateration measurements between datum points on the cascable and muzzle of each cannon in piles found so … Read more

Photos, photos, and more photos: How to make a 3D model

After a morning of diving, Dr. Richards, Hannah, Devin, Elise, Lauren, and I set out for an afternoon in Puerto Viejo, a town near Cahuita and home to one of our sites, El Lanchon. El Lanchon is the remnants of a 19th century oil barge used for transporting heavy machinery that was abandoned by Loffland … Read more

Day 1: Site Orientation

After a full day of being stuffed into vehicles with little, or no, leg room (oh, the hard life of a tall man), beginning our first day of work in the water felt like a blessing.  After a breakfast of eggs, beans, rice, and fresh fruit (the fruit tastes way better here than stateside), we … Read more

Discovering Cannon – recording what we found

During this morning’s dive, the group was tasked with using proforma to mark, measure, and sketch the cannon we found the previous day. This task was made increasingly difficult because of the large surge underwater and low visibility. Each cannon was measured along the shaft, muzzle, and cascabel. In total, eight cannons have been found … Read more

Take a Tour of Cahuita

Here is a tour of Cahuita, the town where we are staying. This small town focuses on eco-tourism and boasts National Park Tours, trips to Panama, and snorkeling adventures at every corner. The atmosphere is quite laid back and simple. The restaurants are excellent, fairly inexpensive, and they make the food fresh (but this means … Read more

Recon in Puerto Viejo

Perhaps the most striking difference between Puerto Viejo and Cahuita is the size. Puerto Viejo is a bustling town with numerous hostels and restaurants, populated with many foreigners. The crew chiefs and professors visited Puerto Viejo to familiarize themselves with El Lanchon and the fishermen’s boats, all of which will be photographed and recorded over … Read more

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