Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, … Read more

The Making of a Model – Small Boat Recording

Throughout our stay here in Cahuita, Costa Rica, we have documented several of the local small boats used for fishing and eco-tourism. After recording these vessels, an important part of our job is presenting the data to others. Models are a great way to demonstrate the features of an item. The practicality of creating a … Read more

A Conversation with Richard

Richard Wilson is a local fisherman and tour guide residing in Cahuita, Costa Rica. Originally born in Nicaragua, he moved to Costa Rica to be with family members and to embrace the local culture. He uses his boat, Jamaica Town, to support himself financially through fishing and snorkeling tours. Eighteen years ago, he found the … Read more

A Conversation with Don Manuel

On day six of the Costa Rica summer field school, participants continued to conduct an ethnographic survey of the town of Cahuita. To complement the boat recording, conversations with the captains are being held and documented. My team, which consisted of myself, Jeremy Borrelli, Wale Oyediran, Allyson Ropp, and Devin Urban, was fortunate enough to … Read more

Post-processing after small craft recording

Over the last two days, Sydney, Kelsey, Bettie, and I worked on recording the small boat Jamaica Town. Our process ranged from making basic observations, such as how many rows of seat the boat had and its color, to taking detailed measurements of the watercraft. After we collected the data our group worked on another … Read more

Discovering Cannon – recording what we found

During this morning’s dive, the group was tasked with using proforma to mark, measure, and sketch the cannon we found the previous day. This task was made increasingly difficult because of the large surge underwater and low visibility. Each cannon was measured along the shaft, muzzle, and cascabel. In total, eight cannons have been found … Read more

Recon in Puerto Viejo

Perhaps the most striking difference between Puerto Viejo and Cahuita is the size. Puerto Viejo is a bustling town with numerous hostels and restaurants, populated with many foreigners. The crew chiefs and professors visited Puerto Viejo to familiarize themselves with El Lanchon and the fishermen’s boats, all of which will be photographed and recorded over … Read more

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