2018 Fall – Third Place – Refinement

For their final portfolio of the semester, students refined their design projects in Revit.  They created a partial Furniture Plan, partial RCP, and a rendering of their cafe.  The renderings included the addition of figures, using Photoshop.        odette-2103-4         Malpaya_2102_4         Stark 2102-4          Joyner-2102-4    … Read more

2018 Fall – Third Place – Prototyping and Testing

In this phase the students moved from hand process to digital.  They created schematic layout options, reviewed locations and configurations for stairs, and assembled a 3D model with walkthrough video, to test out their ideas.  Please click on the link below each thumbnail to access the students’ slideshows.  Click on the vimeo links to connect … Read more

2018 Fall – Third Place – Ideation

The next step of the students’ design process is ideation – generating design ideas based on the research and program.  They completed several exercises to further this. The first exercise was Music as Design Inspiration, an exercise originally developed by Professor Becky Sweet, in which they drew while listening to a piece of music, translating … Read more

2018 Fall – Third Place – Program

In which students identify their client/users, as well as some of the challenges of dealing with the site.                           Malpaya Rezk Stark-1   Joyner Thompson Wohlgemuth-1   Heath Johnson Love-1                           Cousar Reins Sandoval-1      Florez Miller Odette-1        Baker Heuman Wachtel-1