2019 Fall – Retail Incubator Space in Greenville NC

This semester, students are designing a product display/presentation space in the historic Hughes Tobacco Warehouse in Greenville.  This space is designed to offer students and professors a place to meet with business people, to discuss ideas for product development. Portfolio 1 includes preliminary Quick Sketch Competency exercises, Music as Design Inspiration, Activity Space Studies, and … Read more

2018 Fall – Third Place – Refinement

For their final portfolio of the semester, students refined their design projects in Revit.  They created a partial Furniture Plan, partial RCP, and a rendering of their cafe.  The renderings included the addition of figures, using Photoshop.        odette-2103-4         Malpaya_2102_4         Stark 2102-4          Joyner-2102-4    … Read more

2017 Spring – Revit

This Spring for the first time the students were introduced to Revit software in this class.  The assignment was to recreate their floorplan and upper level RCP in Revit, along with two interior perspectives, one of which is rendered.         Hendricks-3                Melvin-3           … Read more