ABC 11 WTVD Internships


College students can learn more about television during an internship at WTVD in Raleigh.

Who is eligible?
Juniors, seniors, and graduate students enrolled in college may be eligible to participate in the student intern program. We look for students who are dedicated and eager to learn about the television industry.

In what departments can I intern?
ABC 11 offers internships in News, Creative Services, Engineering, Sales, Web Operations, and Community Affairs.

Will I get paid and how long is the program?
Students must receive college credit for the internship since there is no monetary compensation. Check with your school to see what opportunities are available for academic credit. There are three internship sessions: Winter/Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each session is between 10 to 12 weeks long.

You are required to work a minimum of 10 hours or a maximum of 15 hours per week.

How do I apply?
Submit a cover letter, resume, and letter of recommendation by the deadline for the semester for which you are applying. Graduate students must also supply proof of enrollment to a graduate program.

To apply or for an internship fill out the form below:

Internship Application Online Form

If you wish to mail a hard copy, send it to the address below.

Attn: Community Affairs
ABC 11 Eyewitness News
411 Liberty Street
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 687-2255

Application deadlines are as follows:

Fall Semester: Last Monday in July
Winter/Spring Semester: Last Monday in November
Summer Semester: Last Monday in March