LeadAmerica, Digital Media & Journalism in NYC

LeadAmerica, an education company that offers career-directed programs for high school students is looking for students studying journalism, broadcasting, film, communications and related fields for our Digital Media & Journalism programs in New York City this summer. To offer an outstanding conference season, LeadAmerica requires an outstanding staff. So, we want your best and brightest students for the coming summer. We am targeting the best communication departments and journalism schools in the country, looking for undergrads and a few postgraduates (for senior staff positions).
In short, LeadAmerica pays, feeds and houses its summer staff for two months. The staff works long hours during a week-long conference (8am-11pm), but has 3-4 days between sessions.
For more information please contact:
David Strittmatter
Conference Coordinator
p 561.368.8085 ext. 227 | f 561.368.8151