Golin PR Internship Paid

GolinHarris, one of the world’s leading public relations firms with offices in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia is looking for talented, enthusiastic students to intern in our Chicago office for summer 2011.
Our summer internship is a full-time, paid position designed to complement and enhance academic studies through participation in different assignments and professional responsibilities. Interns who are selected work with different practices within the agency for the duration of the summer. Interns may be asked to draft press releases, assist at events, conduct research, communicate with the media, or participate in brainstorming sessions. In addition to the day-to-day responsibilities, we offer lunchtime seminars to provide greater exposure to the practice of Public Relations.
Our summer internship begins June 6, 2011 and ends August 26, 2011.

  • You must be a student or recent college graduate who received academic credit at an accredited college or university
  • Available to work a full-time schedule. Business hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    To apply please submit: Cover letter, resume and your response to one question from each group of questions below:
    Short answer (no more than 500 words each) to one of the following questions:

    1. What kind of value and opportunities does PR provide to a company or brand? Please provide one real, current example.
    2. Briefly describe one brand (company, person etc.) which has experienced recent image issues and give your opinion as to whether you believe it was managed well and why, or what you would have done differently?
    3. The world of public relations continues to evolve as newer communications technologies become available, which impact the way in which we communicate with one another. Please provide an example of how a newer technology has changed the way public relations practitioners speak to their target audiences.
    4. Integration is becoming increasingly important in communications, with marketing, advertising and public relations departments working more closely together than ever before. However, each method of communications still serves a different purpose. Please briefly describe the differences of each of the three disciplines listed above.

    Short answer (no more than 500 words each) to one of the following questions:

    1. Please describe how your experience qualifies you to be an intern at GolinHarris, and how it would contribute to your work here?
    2. Please share the one quality, experience or skill that you believe sets you apart from other intern candidates and prepares you for a career in PR.

    Your complete application packet should be submitted in one file by emailing JChicagoIntern@golinharris.com
    Important Dates:

  • Application deadline is April 15th, 2011.
    Find out more about our company at www.golinharris.com
    GolinHarris policy requires that all employees and job applicants be treated equally without regard to race, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, veteran status and disability. GolinHarris is an affirmative action employer.
    As a member of the Interpublic Group (IPG), GolinHarris partners with a network of the communication industry’s best strategists across a variety of disciplines, including sports marketing, consumer research, branding, special events and advertising. We collaborate with these partners to continually advance our clients’ businesses.