Fox Charlotte



FOX Charlotte offers non-paid internships to students who are committed to a field working in the communications areas of writing, reporting, photojournalism, editing or producing a nightly newscast or morning news show.


Internship Application Process:


Interested students should submit a resume, cover letter and letter of recommendation:


            Deborah Barnes

            News Director Assistant

            FOX Charlotte

            One Television Place

            Charlotte, N.C. 28205

            Phone: 704-632-7508



Application deadlines are:

            Fall Semester:                           Last Monday in July

            Winter/Spring Semester:            Last Monday in November

            Summer Semester:                    Last Monday in March


The deadlines listed above are the last possible date an application will be accepted, a student may request information on internships at any time for any future semester.  The earlier application and paperwork are received the better the chances of obtaining an internship. 


Program Requirements

  • Internships are granted in exchange for academic credit as determined by the participating college or university.  Students must provide a letter from his/her academic advisor/department chairman stating that he/she will receive academic credit before beginning the internship.
  • Length of internship: Will run concurrent with the school’s semester/session.
  • Required Hours: Determined by the school’s criteria with approval by FOX Charlotte (but no more than 150).
  • Interns must provide their own transportation.
  • Interns set a schedule and are expected to adhere to it throughout the program
  • Interns are expected to treat this position as they would any serious business obligation.  If they are sick or unable to come in for their assigned shift for other legitimate reasons, they must call in.

Ø  1 absence without call – file is noted and academic advisor is notified

Ø  2 absences without call – internship is terminated

  • Interns are expected to be on time.


Internship Departments

  • FOX Charlotte offers internships in News, Production, Creative Services and New Media (


Length of Service and Compensation

  • Interns serve for a period of one semester (but no more than 150 hours) however they may be dismissed earlier if not suited for the task, or for other reasons as listed in the intern guidelines.
  • Interns will receive academic credit; they will not receive monetary compensation.



Interns are selected on the basis of their education background, experience, advisor comment/letter of recommendation and an interview.



All interns will receive mid-session and session-end evaluations per their school guidelines by their immediate supervisors.  These evaluations will be placed in the intern’s file and made available to his/her academic advisor/professor.