
Mediaite is looking for editorial interns for Summer 2011!
Every few months, we select a chosen few current college students to join us in our offices in SoHo. We ask them to scour the web, the airwaves, and the pages of print publications for striking and original media stories.
In exchange, we promise the chance to earn bylines and the sense of a job well done. And not to make them get us coffee.
The main qualification for this internship is an obsession with the media industry and media culture that matches ours:

  • Does your heart beat faster when network ratings come out?
  • Are you nursing a severe dependency on Twitter and the blogosphere?
  • Can you recite the major subsidiaries of Time-Warner, News Corp., the Walt Disney Company, and Viacom from memory?

If so, congratulations! You are an irredeemable media nerd, and you should email with the following:

  • A resume/CV, including references
  • Any two samples of your academic or journalistic writing, each preferably in a different style (long-form vs. short-form, magazine vs. blog, etc.)
  • A brief (1-page) cover letter explaining why your experience, knowledge, and personality make you the ideal intern for our site

Summer is only a month away, so get yours in ASAP!