Campus Marketing & Promotions Internship – ABC Entertainment

ABC Entertainment
ABC wants to provide you with a hands-on opportunity to enhance your skills in marketing and promotions. With the support of our ABC Entertainment Marketing team, you will lead your very own ABC Campus Crew. Your innovative campaigns will not only promote groundbreaking ABC content, but will also provide you the opportunity to accelerate your career in the entertainment industry.
• Design fun, effective campaigns for priority ABC shows through diverse means (student newspaper, television, radio, clubs, online social networks, etc.)
• Brainstorm with ABC Executives and contribute original ideas
• Inspire campus-wide awareness and expand series audiences
• Work with the Marketing/Synergy team to meet weekly goals
• Currently enrolled, full-time college student
• Possess strong relationships with student affairs groups
• Have an active role within your campus community
• Familiar with ABC shows and have a passion for television
• Creative, enthusiastic attitude and excellent leadership skills
• Ability to organize unique events and rally high attendance
To apply send a resume and statement of interest to:
Jennifer Roth
Sr. Manager, Synergy
ABC Entertainment