2013 TPG Sports Career Conference Charlotte

TPG Sports Group will be hosting its 2nd Annual Sports Career Conference, April 20-21, 2013, in Charlotte, NC. The inaugural TPG Sports Career Conference was quickly recognized as one of the top sports career conferences in the country. This event is a necessity for those students and young professionals that strive for a career in the highly competitive sports industry.
This year’s conference will once again feature many of the most influential individuals and organizations in the industry. These professionals will be on hand to participate as panelists sharing a wealth of knowledge on their particular field. Organizations will actively be involved at the event, recruiting participants for potential intern-ships and full time positions. The 2013 TPG Sports Career Conference will also feature two keynote speakers to inform and inspire attendees, as they share their own career path. For those seeking a career in the sports in-dustry, this is simply a can’t miss event. Below you will find a link to a video recap of the 2012 TPG Sports Career Conference. This video highlights the panels, individuals, organizations, and keynote speakers that made the 2012 TPG Sports Career Conference an instant success.
Contact: Chris Zepkowski, VP of TPG SPorts Group
or chrisz@tpgsportsgroup.com