Madison Square Garden Fall internships

Learn About The Student Associate Program

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The application deadline for the Summer 2013 Student Associate program has passed. The Fall 2013 Student Associate application period will begin shortly.
We believe in developing talent and helping to create the leaders of tomorrow. One way we do this is through The Madison Square Garden Company Student Associate Program. This program is designed to create real, valuable opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to learn, grow and explore The Madison Square Garden Company and gain valuable experience they can use throughout their careers.
Student Associate opportunities are available in all facets of our business including MSG Sports, MSG Media, MSG Entertainment, as well as at our venues and throughout our corporate divisions.
While participating in the Student Associate Program, students will have the opportunity to work with our employees to get a full understanding of the business. We also provide additional learning and development opportunities though an exclusive executive speaker series, social media integration including work-related tips, and special Student Associate-only events.
The hands on, paid experiences are available to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate strong verbal, written and organizational skills and possess a confident and positive attitude. Student Associate positions are offered in the fall, spring and summer semesters in New York, California, Chicago and New Jersey.
Although all recruitment is done on a rolling basis, below is a guideline for students to follow:

  Semester   Applications Open
  Interviews Begin
  Session Length
  Spring Associates   October   November   January – May
  Summer Associates   January   March   May – August
  Fall Associates   April   June   August – January

To find Student Associate opportunities, click here.
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