Social Media Internship FreezeCrowd, Inc. – New York, NY

FreezeCrowd is a new interactive social networking site that is driven by group pictures, specifically for the college student and alumni audience. We’re seeking a qualified public relations, communications, and/or social media marketing intern to assist with promoting the site to the college students on their campus and other campuses.

Internship Description:
Are you a great writer, researcher, good at captivating people’s attention in the college community?
You will work on a variety of marketing, public relations, and sales oriented tasks.

Such marketing will include:

– Public Relations
– Internet marketing
– Contest Creation Using Social Media
– Social Media Communications
– Social Media Analysis


Work on a variety of tasks including:

– Public Relations
– Internet marketing and sales
– Contest Creation
– Social Media Communications
– Social Media Analysis

Must be a current undergraduate student and not a recent grad or graduate student.

Recommended to send the following upon applying:

1. A cover letter of intent and interest in FreezeCrowd
2. GPA (transcript, minimum GPA requirement 2.8)
3. A letter of recommendation

Please email the above.

Internship will be TBD paid, plus potential bonus.
Must be a student in a marketing, public relations, or journalism major, or someone with strong interest in marketing, communications, new media, and social media.

Email Marketing, Writing, Public Relations, Social Media

Optional Skills: Graphic Design, UX Design, Web Development

about 30 hours a week
Yes College Credit.
No High School students.

Must be a current undergrad student seeking an internship.