Arts Marketing Intern Americans for the Arts – New York, NY



The Americans for the Arts Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to investigate and participate in the operations of the nation’s leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. Through a combination of learning experiences, work projects, and group collaborations, interns become integral members of our team. Program benefits include career support, member services, and a series of leadership discussions with Americans for the Arts staff. Interns are expected to participate in daily activities, contribute skills and ideas, and produce excellent work, all the while preparing to become the next generation of arts, nonprofit, and cultural leaders.

The Arts Marketing Intern will provide staff support on a variety of projects in arts marketing, including audience engagement, social media, and the latest technology trends used in marketing such as Facebook, Twitter, QR codes, and online video. Most importantly, they will work on long-term independent projects using either Photoshop, Indesign, or Adobe Illustrator platforms. This position is ideal for an outgoing and creative undergraduate or graduate student with knowledge of graphic design. In addition, we are looking for someone who has an eye for design, a detail oriented work style and interest in the arts, marketing and event planning, as well as a fondness for working with social media platforms.


Responsibilities may include:

  • Working with Photoshop or Indesign to create arts marketing resources to post to
  • Researching relevant news articles on topics surrounding branding, fundraising, audience engagement, profiles in creativity, social media marketing & the arts.
  • Providing staff support in the creation of bi-weekly e-newsletters that reach 34,800+ subscribers.
  • Regularly updating the National Arts Marketing Project Facebook page with engaging stories, podcasts, blogs, videos, etc.
  • Providing communication support (both written and verbal) regarding the National Arts Marketing Project Conference.
  • Other projects as assigned


  • Fluency in Windows, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and InDesign is necessary.
  • Strong project management skills and an interest in planning meetings & events is preferred
  • Strong organizational and communication skills
  • The ability to communicate and interact with staff and industry workers in a professional, knowledgeable and courteous manner is necessary.