Social Media Intern FACTORY|made – Boulder, CO Internship

Social Media Intern
FACTORY|made – Boulder, CO

Job Description How does social media fit in?

As a launch pad for creatives with storefront of unique products, weve become a community that connects the unconnected. Most people who have spent any time at madelife say that they love the spontaneous networking and creativity that happens here every day. We believe our community is worth sharing; and we want to invite others to help share our story. Were looking for someone who is passionate about our mission and wants to share this community with others through social media.

So what does a social media intern do?

We are looking for a media guru to manage and help create our social media efforts. Additionally, our intern will get to work closely with our amazing retail and creative directors. This position involves:

– Research and development of our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media venues

– Managing and writing for our blog by posting, inviting guest writers to contribute, and finding other great content to build a blog from the ground up while having the opportunity to build up your own social media/writing portfolio. This also includes getting all the cool people in our community to post really cool art/videos.

– Managing and executing advertising through Mailchimp

-Research and development of our pay-per-click advertising

– Managing and curating our YouTube, and Soundcloud, etc.

In all these channels, we are looking for someone to generate useful and meaningful content that helps inspire and share creativity. We want to reach a larger audience because we believe our mission is worth sharing.

Qualifications Necessary Qualities?

Were looking for a social media intern with entrepreneurial drive, technical expertise, and the resourcefulness to get things done. This person will be interested in mentoring and being mentoredi.e. listening to others and supporting them in achieving their goals and being open to the support of others in achieving personal goals. This person should also love to learn new things and collaborate openly with others. We really want someone who can thrive in an unstructured environment, create their own structure, and have the entrepreneurial drive to explore new avenues of social media and generate traffic and depth of community with our current marketing efforts.

Does it pay? How long is the agreement?

This is an unpaid internship that lasts three months. Our plan is to support you in building the necessary skills for generating revenue so that you can start making some money after three months. If you can reliably produce billable hours without much supervision, then we can all make more money together. Like most things though, the bulk of this will depend on your own motivation, drive to learn and work more, and personal growth as a professional. School credit available.

OK, Im interested, what do I do?

If this sounds like itd be a great fit for you, please send us your resume and a 30-60 second webcam intro video to with SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN in the subject line. Also, send us a link to your current blog or any work samples you think would help us know how great your voice is. By the way, dont worry about production quality of the videowe just want to get an idea of who you are. If you have any questions just shoot us an email with INQUIRY in the subject line.

We would love the right person to start as soon as possible so please apply directly to if youre interested.

Additional Information All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.