2013 Fall Internships St. Louis Cardinals – St. Louis, MO

2013 Fall Internships
St. Louis Cardinals – St. Louis, MO

Internships: Any Internship
2013 Fall Internships – St. Louis Cardinals (St. Louis, MO)

The St. Louis Cardinals currently have internship openings in the following departments: Hall of Fame Museum; Publications; Special Events.

Our program provides unpaid internships to junior and senior college students who can prove they will earn credit for hours worked during the internship. The Club is interested in Sports Marketing, Journalism, Business, and Marketing majors.

Please do not apply if you are not able to earn credit towards your degree through completion of an internship. Please clearly indicate which department you are interested in working in.

Candidates should submit their qualifications soley through the Teamworks site. The Club is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.