Internship – Post Production (Fall) Trailer Park – Hollywood, CA

Internship – Post Production (Fall)
Trailer Park – Hollywood, CA

Trailer Park is a full-service provider of creative advertising to clients in film, television, home entertainment and interactive gaming. We specialize in producing movie trailers, teasers, television spots, print ads, websites and ad banners for major motion picture studios and game companies, along with music, graphics, title design, and advertising and editorial materials.

We are looking for a few good interns for the Fall semester (maximum 20 hours/week). Your internship would involve taking on a variety of different tasks based upon the skills you bring to the table. In the process, you will gain invaluable experience by wearing a myriad of different hats. Please note, this internship is for academic credit and career experience.

To qualify for this internship you must:

– Be a current college student.

– Be able to receive academic credit for the internship.

– Be eager to learn anything and everything.

– Be sharp as a razor and able to turn-on-a-dime in an extremely fast-paced environment!

– Skilled in Final Cut Pro.