Meet CollegeFuse, a music publication and event production and marketing company. Focusing on the college audience, CollegeFuse sets out to encapsulate the entire music experience of students across the country and globe, covering the entire spectrum of music students listen to and providing insight on current trends affecting industry.
We are looking for ambitious and passionate music lovers who are yearning for their voices, opinions and insights on the state of modern music to be heard. Writers receive a great deal of creative freedom, as they are able to cover anything they desire within the realm of music. Currently, we have writers from several universities in Florida as well as Canada and the United Kingdom. Our hope is to have writers from as many schools and areas as possible in order to give the most complete representation of the college music scene and, eventually, can tailor content to specific regions.
We provide a steady stream of relevant content that includes, but is not limited to:
-album reviews
-live show reviews
-music festivals
-artist interviews
-new music coverage
-investigation of current trends
If you are Interested in writing for us, please send two writing samples and a one-paragraph answer to “Why music?” to .