is seeking skilled writers interested in a career in online sports journalism, to serve as Intern Writers. is an online source for sports news and analysis, provided by writers with personal allegiances to teams reported on.  Writers and editors are based in various parts of the country and coordinate entirely via the Internet.


The candidate would work primarily in a virtual setting, making submissions and receiving edits via the Internet and teleconferencing.  Interns would also work one on one  and in a team setting, in person with an Editor, refining skills and procedures.  Responsibilities would include researching and reporting on a variety of professional and collegiate sports, focusing on those in which the Intern is personally interested in. Secondary responsibilities would include some copy editing work.   Requirements include some experience in journalism and writing, familiarity with computers and cloud based writing software, specifically WordPress 3.6, familiarity with teleconferencing software like Skype and Google Hangout.


Duties and responsibilities:


  • Research, write, and submit a minimum of 3 articles per week on assigned teams and/or events for publication on
  • Meet weekly in person with a local editor to review, improve, and refine work
  • Perform basic copy editing duties during assigned hours
  • Communicate with Editorial Staff on a regular basis for updates on assignments and progress
  • Assist in reviewing and improving site layout as a whole


This is an unpaid internship requiring a minimum of 10 hours per week.  Schedules are flexible depending on availability.  Interns may use published articles in personal portfolios as needed.

Michael Peckerar
Lead Editor
Sports Fans News
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