Digital Marketing and Publicity Internship 87AM – Hollywood, CA

Digital Marketing and Publicity Internship
87AM – Hollywood, CA

(If interested in the position, please read the entire job listing and associated requirements. Submitting incomplete materials will disqualify you for the position, while standard boilerplate cover letters will be fed to the office jabberwocky.)

You listen to good music. You judge advertisements because you could probably write them better. You are creeped out by how good Facebook is at targeting ads to you …but also secretly impressed. You read articles on Mashable. You tweet like it’s your job.

Well guess what: It could be your job.

That’s right, that’s what we do. Coolest mobile apps? Here. Wild, out-of-the-box, engagement-driven social media? Ditto. Twitter junkie paradise? You bet.

What would you be doing here exactly? Glad you asked.

You’d be working in a fast paced environment for some of the top names in the entertainment industry. If it’s not clear from the above, you should have an interest in publicity, innovative marketing, and digital/interactive solutions. Your day-to-day includes administrative support, writing copy, attending and taking notes in meetings with high-level entertainment professionals, writing copy, reporting, sales analyses, writing copy, keeping the office running smoothly and completing client-based projects. Oh and writing copy. Did we mention that?

Of course, you gotta have certain skillz to work with us too; You’ve got to be well organized, discreet, highly self-motivated and happy to work with limited supervision. Your communication skills should be U.N. peacekeeper quality, and your MS Office Suite abilities should stun and captivate. We also love special skillz: Any programming languages, photoshop, beat-boxing, experience with SEO, etc.

And you must, MUST, have a wicked sense of humor. You’ll need it.

The nitty gritty:
– Must have exceptional organizational skills, keen attention to details, basic social media experience and knowledge.
– Must be available to work out of our LA office.
– Must be able to receive college credit (REQUIRED). Please do not apply if you cannot accept college credit. (Sorry!)
– This is a three month UNPAID internship.
– Depending on availability and results of an intern’s progress, there could be an option for a PAID Internship extension.
– If you’re interested in this internship please send us a resume and cover letter, and include links to three YouTube videos that help explain who you are. They could be stuff you like, stuff you made, stuff you think will make us laugh – it’s all up for grabs. And please have fun with your cover letter.