EDITORIAL INTERNS Modern Luxury magazines Atlanta

Modern Luxury magazines
Modern Luxury’s Jezebel Magazine is Atlanta’s go-to publication for all that’s hip and happening. From social coverage to inside the resto and nightlife scenes, Jez is always in the know. Shopping, style, beauty, design, celebs, who’s who, travel and what’s trending locally – it’s all found within Jezebel’s pages.
We’re currently seeking outstanding editorial interns for spring 2014 (January-May). Internships are at least 2 days a week, ideally 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and will also support Modern Luxury’s Atlantan and Men’s Book magazines.
Duties primarily include fact-checking, proofing, research, party coverage, editing calendar listening and occasional short writing assignments. Front-of-book story pitches are encouraged. You’ll directly support Jezebel’s editors and learn the ins and outs of what it’s like to work at a fast-paced, in the know magazine.
Qualifications: Strong fact checking, writing, researching, attention to detail and strong communication skills. Must be a go-getter!
Must be eligible to earn school intern credit hours.
Contact – Allison Mitchell (amitchell@modernluxury.com<mailto:amitchell@modernluxury.com>) and Caroline Cox (ccox@modernluxury.com<mailto:ccox@modernluxury.com>). Please include cover letter and resume.