Summer Internship Program tierney – Philadelphia, PA

Summer Internship Program
tierney – Philadelphia, PA

Attention all aspiring ad and PR folk: we’re looking for some energetic interns to fill the halls of Tierney. While interning at Tierney, you’ll get the opportunity to work on client-related work and occasionally answer a few phone calls — and get this, we’ll even pay you. Our seasonal internship program offers positions across all departments of the agency, including: account management, creative, digital, media, production, and public relations. And they’re all under one roof, ensuring you’ll see first-hand how the biz works. Plus, you might make a few contacts along the way.
So if you’re interested, send us your resume.
Required Skills
Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in communications or related industry
Internship experience strongly recommended
Ability to multi-task well and under pressure; excellent attention to detail
Excellent verbal, written and organizational skills
Ability to write and think creatively
Maintain effective working relationships with clients, media and internal staff
Highly motivated and enthusiastic individual who exhibits professionalism and tenacity
Understand client goals and objectives
Become familiar with client, its competitors, and the marketplace, industry or sector in which it competes
Understand concept of billable hours and how it affects company profit and loss
Understand concept of account budgets
Submit timesheets and expense reports on time
Required Experience