Vinyl Mag Internship Opportunities

Vinyl Mag is an experiential take on music and culture commentary as seen through the idiosyncratic lens of its writers.  We are looking for experienced video/film editors for the spring semester to edit our upcoming in-person interviews with touring artists.
Responsibilities include:
– working from home/flexible hours editing new on-camera interviews with artists
– (if desired) filming some interviews with artists
– turning the videos around in a timely manner (meeting deadlines)
* In March, during SXSW, the number of videos coming in is higher than normal — extremely important to be able to get them edited quickly – there is a possibility of VE interns Attending SXSW if interested, and if with us long enough beforehand
– access to FinalCutPro or other VE software (other than iMovie…we’re over iMovie)
– experience with one such software
– portfolio/sample video(s)
– organization
If interested, please send resume and portfolio to
Vinyl Mag is looking for experienced video/film editors for the spring semester to edit our upcoming in-person interviews with touring artists.
Responsibilities include:
-working from home/flexible hours
-receiving press releases (news) and posting them on the website in the “News” section (in your own words)
Qualifications needed:
-writing skills/personality
-time management skills
If interested, please send resume to
Vinyl Mag is looking for experienced video/film editors for the spring semester to edit our upcoming in-person interviews with touring artists.
Responsibilities include:
-attending SXSW under Vinyl Mag press pass
-interviewing artists on-site
-attending day parties and promoting Vinyl Mag (handing out SWAG, networking, etc.)
-attending shows for review
-social media coverage of all events attended
-writing reviews of shows/events/etc.
Qualifications needed:
-writing skills/personality
-time management skills
-availability March 11-17 (Spring Break)
*Transportation and board not included
If interested, please send resume and samples to