Summer Internship 2014 – Ecommerce Ann Taylor – Times Square, NY

Summer Internship 2014 – Ecommerce
Ann Taylor – Times Square, NY

The Digital Marketing Intern is responsible for assisting in the execution of daily site
and email programs. Key areas of focus for this role include site editorial
& promotional content maintenance, store email campaign management, daily
QA, conducting ongoing competitive research and analysis and developing weekly
industry market news reports. This associate
must be ambitious, motivated, have a strong attention to detail, have some
knowledge of ecommerce and possess a passion to learn digital marketing. This position is highly collaborative and requires
working with cross-functional partners including marketing, merchandising, copy/creative
and web operation teams. This candidate
must be a team player that takes initiative and shows up everyday ready to be
inspired and inspire others through his/her positivity and energy.
Primary Responsibilities Include:
Promotional & Editorial Content Maintenance
Map out HP content slots with Site Marketing Coordinator based on Master
Marketing Editorial/Promotional Calendars
Submit completed Grid/brief request to creative and copy teams for development
Review assets with Site Marketing Coordinator and submit edits as needed
Provide site content tracking tags and link location urls
Submit completed grid + assets to Web Ops & Merchandising teams
Ongoing follow up with both teams on buckets, landing pages, etc.
noted/requested in HP Grid
QA all assets based on web assets delivery schedule
QA site every morning
Update grid regularly as cadence changes are submitted
Weekly Reporting
Pull HP assets daily and insert in site report
Print report packets for Monday business meetings
Complete competitive analysis on content as well as overall site experiences
Prepare and present weekly industry market news report
Maintain weekly site report binders
Promotional & Store Email Maintenance
Manage the store email program from start to finish
Submit completed creative brief request to creative and copy
teams for development
Review campaigns with Email Marketing Coordinators; submit
edits as needed
Maintain ongoing communication with cross-functional teams
Help Marketing Coordinators QA email campaigns
Weekly Reporting
Pull email creative daily and insert in email weekly report
Print report packets for Monday business meetings
Maintain weekly email report binders

  • Resume
  • Previous professional/internship experience within the retail/fashion environment


  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Professional/academic recommendations
  • Juniors (current rising Seniors) or recent college graduates (2013/2014)

Pursuit of Bachelor’s Degree in marketing or related field preferred
Highly detailed oriented
Strong analytical skills
Outstanding verbal and written communication skills
Team player
Strong interest in digital space
Ability to turn analysis into action, execute to timelines and provide timely
Demonstrate the organizational ability to facilitate multi-tasking in a fast-paced
Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications
Ann Taylor