DIGITAL, MULTIMEDIA INTERNSHIP GRANT PROGRAM Scripps Howard Foundation Various Locations

Scripps Howard Foundation
Various Locations
Application Deadline:  March 31
Do you have a digital or multimedia internship opportunity this summer that you may have to decline because the position is unpaid or unaffordable? Do your skills and experience make you a marketable candidate for multimedia opportunities?
Apply for a $3,000 grant from the Scripps Howard Foundation internship program. Grady College may select one student for a multimedia intern stipend during summer semester. If that student successfully completes the internship and returns to study full-time fall semester, he/she is eligible for an additional $500 scholarship.
Program Goals & Guidelines:
    * The successful candidate will procure a multimedia internship at a professional news organization, or be qualified to work as a multimedia intern if chosen for the grant.
    * Rising juniors and seniors are preferred, but spring 2013 graduates are eligible to apply.
    * The intern will work for a minimum of 10 weeks for a minimum of 35 hours per week during summer semester.
    * The Foundation prefers placement in an unpaid internship, but depending on the opportunity, may agree to placement in a paid internship.
    * Though placement does not need to be at at a Scripps operating unit (sites listed at [], it may not be a direct competitor.
    * No telecommuting or freelance arrangements will be approved.
    * The employer must provide meaningful work and supervision in multimedia. The work site also will verify employment and performance
    * Selected student must meet any pre-employment contingencies (drug/alcohol testing, background check, valid driver’s license, etc.)
    * Grant recipient agrees to complete required Foundation paperwork and payment forms.
Internships eligible for consideration under this grant program include one of the following:
Digital Internship
This internship may be used for mobile app development, digital marketing development and/ or social media strategy implementation.  This internship may also be for students interested in producing content for digital platforms. Weekly podcasts, live webcasts, webinars, web-videos and live-streaming video events may be among assignments. Intern will gain firsthand experience in the creative and technical production process across digital mediums. Specialties may include creating an/or editing video with sound and text, managing social media and/or writing for the web. Solid journalism background, knowledge of Associated Press style, copy editing skills a plus.
Multimedia Internship
This position requires the intern to have strong writing and newsgathering skills. They will ideally gather, shoot, write, edit, report and produce content. The content will be generated for on-air, print or online outlets for across platform usage. The intern will participate when possible in live shots in the field, newsroom or studio. Assignments may include but are not limited to general assignment, field and/or specialty reporting. Must have some knowledge of social media, mobile, digital, etc. Knowledge of AP stylebook required.
Application Process:
    * Submit a resume, statement of interest (including summer plans and internship category/status), and work samples or web link to work
    * Email to Cecil Bentley, Grady program coordinator, at
A review panel of Grady faculty will screen applicants and make the final selection.