EDITORIAL INTERN France Media, Inc. Atlanta

France Media, Inc.
France Media, Inc., an Atlanta-based publisher of business-to-business magazines and producer of conferences and websites, is seeking applicants for its summer 2014 internship program.
The interns will assist the editorial, circulation and production departments in these areas of operation. The internship is well-rounded, offering experience in each area. The internship period and hours per week are flexible. Strong writing and editing skills, plus a proficiency in AP Style, are required, but attention to detail and a great desire to learn are most important. France Media’s intern selection committee will not judge applicants based on past experience. Applicants are screened based on willingness and eagerness to learn, as well as writing and technical skills. Past interns have earned class credit, but it is not mandatory.
To apply as an editorial intern, please send resume, cover letter and writing samples (three max) to John Nelson at jnelson@francemediainc.com.