INTERNSHIPS FOR MINORITIES AND WOMEN BBDO Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, and San Francisco

Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, and San Francisco
Application Deadline: March 28
The Allen Rosenshine Minority Education & Training (MET) Fund awards internships to minorities, women and individuals protected under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act to encourage the pursuit of careers in advertising.  The program was launched in an effort to improve the level of diversity in the advertising industry.
BBDO will award several MET Fund internships for the summer of 2014 across our U.S. offices located in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, and San Francisco.  Interns receive a $4,000 stipend for the ten-week internship.  If you are selected as an intern, we will try to place you in the office of your choice, but this is not guaranteed.
Applicants must:
• Be one of the following: a high school senior; enrolled in an accredited two- or four-year academic institution; or a graduate student
• Be in academically good standing as defined by your academic institution
• Have a GPA of 3.0 or greater
• Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
• Complete the application form
• Submit your resume
• Submit two (2) original signed letters of recommendation 
• Submit a copy of your most recent transcript
• Submit a minimum 250-word essay explaining why you want to be in advertising and why you want to be in the department you selected
The deadline to return submission materials to BBDO is March 28, 2014.  Apply online at