SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM London,, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong.

London,, New York, Los Angeles, Hong Kong.
The Summer Internship Program is structured around an eight week internship placement, with a leading company in the student’s chosen field, which is complemented by a series of inclusive career seminars and workshops, guest speaker and networking events, social events and weekend excursions.
The 8 week internship placement is designed to help students explore their chosen field and career path, develop industry specific skills and knowledge, and increase their professional network – simultaneously helping students to focus the direction of their career and increase their appeal to future employers. The inclusive career seminars, guest speaker and networking events are designed to bolster their on-the-job learning and to further equip them with the tools necessary to launch a thriving career in today’s highly competitive graduate market.
Internship placements are available in most career fields, including    IT& Technology,  Art & Design,  Marketing, Advertising & PR,  Media, Publishing & Entertainment.
The Summer Internship Program operates in London, New York, Los Angeles & Hong Kong.