Restore One-Public Relations Director-Internship

Restore One

Public Relations Director

Restore One is seeking a PR Director who would begin January 2015. Restore One is a Greenville, faith-based nonprofit and will open the nation’s first shelter for male sex trafficking victims. It is a volunteer position. An application must be filled out in order to be considered. Ideally, the candidate will commit to at least a year with the organization. Those from journalism/PR backgrounds with previous communication-related internships or work experiences are encouraged to apply. Although much of the work can be done from home, attending weekly staff meeting is required.  This is an unpaid position which can be done for credit through the SOC internship program.


The PR Director will head up the use of WordPress, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Hoostsuite. Being able to engage in media relations and create social media plans is also a part of the job description. Video production experience is a plus.


Contact Persida Montanez, for more information about the position.

To apply fill out the form on Restore One’s website: