The Institute of Outdoor Theatre Needs Interns

1. Spring Semester 2016 Project: The intern will produce a 2:00+ minute YouTube video based on the national theatre auditions sponsored by the Institute on January 16 & 17, 2015. The video will document and market this annual event and include interviews with student performers, hiring theatre companies and Institute staff as well as incorporating footage of the actual acting, singing, dance and stage combat auditions. In addition, the intern will evaluate the Institute’s current approach to social media, make recommendations for improvements, and work with staff to build those improvements into the daily staff routine.

2. Summer Sessions 2016 Project: Produce a 5-7 minute documentary video about the experience of outdoor theatre designed to encourage audience attendance to the Shakespeare festivals, history plays, musicals and religious plays that are performed around the world each summer. The intern will travel to 5—10 different theatres to interview and video visually exciting performances. Working with departmental staff, the intern will prepare a voice over script and select music for the video. The final product may include excerpts of clips submitted by outdoor theatres as well as the original material shot by the intern. In addition to travel, the Institute will pay for necessary expenses as detailed in an approved budget.

Students can contact Susan Phillips phillipss@ecu.edu328-5363 with an email stating their interest in the internship and qualifications for it including sample videos. We’ll accept applications for the Spring Semester internship until December 11, and for the summer until the end of March