Live. Learn. Intern. Washington, DC

LIVE. LEARN. INTERN. Programs in Washington, DC
June 3 – July 28, 2017

December 6 – Early Deadline for Summer 2017 (5% tuition discount)

** Internship Placement – Courses for Credit – Furnished Housing**
** Scholarships Available**

Gain that competitive edge by interning in the city where history is made. Programs are offered in following fields:

• International Affairs
• Public Policy & Economics
• Journalism & Communication
• Community Leadership & Service
• Business & Government Affairs
• Leadership & the American Presidency

Taking advantage of a Washington, DC internship is a valuable investment in your future that will set you apart after college. The comprehensive programs sponsored by The Fund for American Studies include:

• An internship placement
• Courses for academic credit from George Mason University
• Furnished housing located close to Metro rail stations, monuments and museums in Washington
• Networking events, exclusive briefings, guest speakers and a mentor program

We’ve been creating academic internship experiences for almost 50 years and provide internship placements for all participants. Your options are endless – we work with over 300 different federal agencies, policy groups, international affairs organizations, media outlets, public affairs firms, government relations offices, and nonprofit organizations.

Working in this powerful city will allow you to make professional connections and practice networking skills in a real-world setting. Washington, DC is the perfect place to explore a variety of career paths, and we work with each student’s unique goals and aspirations to match them with the most fitting internship site.

Below you’ll find just a sampling of our past internship sites:

• American Institute for Cancer Research
• AT&T
• Capital Area Food Bank
• Congressional Offices on Capitol Hill
• Council of Hemispheric Affairs
• Crosby Volmer Public Relations
• Ford Motor Company
• Foreign Embassies
• National Association of Women Legislators
• Security Industry Association
• Student Conservation Association
• U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Education, Justice and the Treasury
• U.S. News & World Report
• U.S. Small Business Administration
• World Learning

Sam Hilley, a senior from Rhodes College, participated in the International Affairs + Economics program last summer and interned with the Solar Foundation. His school recently published an article detailing the highlights of his internship experience. Please click here to view the full profile and learn more about one of the exciting internship placements offered through the program.

APPLY TODAY – 5% Discount
Applicants for the Summer Programs are encouraged to apply for the early deadline of December 6, 2016 in order to receive preference in admissions and scholarship consideration, as well as a 5% tuition discount.

We strive to make the programs accessible and affordable to the best and brightest students regardless of financial status. Scholarships are awarded based on need and merit with over 70% of students receiving full or partial funding.

For more information and to be begin an online application, please visit Questions may be directed to or 202.986.0384.