College of Fine Arts and Communication web/social media PR intern Spring 2018

The College of Fine Arts and Communication seeks a highly-motivated, self-directed student to generate plentiful content for web, print and eblast to support the College, its four Schools (Art and Design, Communication, Music, Theatre and Dance) and its ancillary programs (S. Rudolph Alexander Performing Arts Series, Family Fare, Arts Smart).
The successful candidate (undergraduate student internship, unpaid, for-credit) will generate leads and accept assignments to create two to five press-ready stories, with supporting photography, weekly. Deliverables will support touring, student, guest and faculty art exhibitions (on campus and off); programs and developments in the GlasStation (a custom glass forming studio in Farmville, North Carolina); initiatives and activity within the School of Communication; student productions and behind-the-scenes projects in the School of Theatre and Dance; faculty, student and guest recitals and ensemble performances including chamber, jazz, choral and new music, plus outreach activity from the School of Music; grant activity within the college; and outreach activity and performances related to the performing arts series.
The internship will run concurrently with the spring semester, observing all ECU breaks. Night and weekend work will be required.
Preferred qualifications: Strong writing, photography, scheduling and people skills. Possession of or access to a quality camera (newer iPhones do the trick), the internet, Microsoft Word. Timeliness. Impeccable spelling, writing and Journalistic standards. The burning desire to transform a static low-traffic website into a valuable storytelling platform.
To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, three references and a writing sample to