Looking for Youtubers!!! Paid internship shooting video for area car dealership- Spring/Summer 2018

Massey Toyota, an 80-year-old family owned dealership in Kinston is looking to begin a paid internship for our YouTube channel. We’d prefer a student with editing and production experience, and interest in the automotive industry is a plus.
Massey Toyota is willing to pay $12-$15/hour including your drive from ECU. We would like to produce 2-3 videos per week critiquing cars on our lot and posting those videos on our YouTube channel. Our channel currently has 3.5K subscribers and over 3,000,000 views. We expect the workload to be between 10-20 hours per week. Ideally, the student intern would learn the specs of the vehicles we choose to highlight, then produce an upbeat 3-5 minute video similar to this one.
To apply, please send a resume and video link(s) of your work to: emorgan@masseymotors.com and bj@magicmilemedia.com.