Wilson Tobs Baseball Summer Internships! Summer 2018

Wilson Tobs Baseball Club (Collegiate Summer League) is back at it again looking for enthusiastic and knowledgeable college students who would like to obtain a 2018 summer internship within the field of sports. 
Our interns (better referred to as Front Office Staff Members) will receive experience in multiple departments within our organization such as marketing, sales, media relations, operations, community relations, etc. The chosen Front Office Staff Members will gain experience in all the fields previously described but will focus a majority of their time to a specific field of their choice. We rely heavily on our Front Office Staff Members, entrust them with plenty of responsibility, and meet daily as a team. 
We require our Front Office Staff Members to report to Historic Fleming Stadium on Thursday May 10th @ 9 AM for orientation. Wilson Tobs Baseball Club does provide full time and part time housing (If necessary) through our Wilson Tobs Host Family Program. We work around the end of year and summer school schedule and provide flexibility for those who are interested. 
Below is a link to the following information:
 – About our organization
 – Background of internship program
 – Internship position duties and responsibilities