Verge Campus Media Opporunities–For credit– ongoing

Here is the link for more information and to apply:

Verge Campus Media 2018 Internship

Are you looking for an internship that you can work on when you have the time? Work remotely? Where you chose the projects that are of interest to YOU? An internship where you can receive college credit?

All positions we are looking for students for a full semester or more. Editorial, Social Media, Community Manager positions we require 1 written article per week. Contributing Writer, we require 6 articles per month.

All positions will be entered into our prestigious Career Partners Program. For all students who are a part of our Chapter program your resume will be sent to our Corporate Career Partners such as: Adaptive, CVent, Memory Blue, Bloomberg BNA, Stephen Gould, Gartner TekSystems, CED and many, many more. This is an opportunity to be reached out to for any full time/part time and internship positions that they have open.

That’s only a few of the reasons why our internship is one of the best out there.

We have several positions available at your University. Read the descriptions below and click the link to apply! ( )

Positions Available

– Editorial Director: someone who is hardworking, passionate, driven but most importantly someone who is a leader. This is the person who will organize meetings, delegate tasks and communicate directly with National.

– Social Media Manager: someone who lives online, that knows what platform the students at your university are on. This is someone who will launch, develop and grow different social media platforms with the aim to create content that is shareable and engaging.

– Community Manager: someone who is very involved on campus, is social and well connected. This person is focused on growing the presence of the Chapter and interested in recruitment. This person will essentially be the face and brand of the Chapter.

– Contributing Writer: someone who loves to write, can take whatever interest or news story and create it into something that is engaging to their peers. This is a person who has a pulse on what is trending now, what will be trending and how to report on breaking news and events.

If you are interested in gaining hands-on, real world experience, where you create your own hours at your own leisure, an opportunity to create something that will be known by your peers and can receive college credit for, please apply here: (