Newspaper internship–online “The Full Bird”– for credit Fall 2018


 New– a North Carolina-focused bi-partisan news site (you can view the finished site at It’s called “the Full Bird”  because it will have both left wing and right wing views and issues covered from all corners of the state. I could offer any interested students the opportunity to:
– work remotely in online journalism in a media environment moving swiftly in that direction
– learn how to monetize their work as independent journalists
– write and publish at least one original piece a month
– learn to write and edit in AP style
– have their writing edited by someone who has experience editing for a number of publications
– learn about state and local politics by investigating current events and interviewing those involved
– choose a project (organizing debates, making video reports on state or local issues, producing a podcast, writing an e-book, etc.)


Interested students should send their resumes and writing samples to David Larson, Publisher at