Academic Internship- Washington DC

Applications are now being accepted for the Spring and Summer 2019 Academic Internship Programs hosted by The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) in Washington, DC. All of the programs include guaranteed internship placements, academic credit from George Mason University, furnished housing in downtown Washington, as well as many opportunities for networking and professional development.

Leadership Scholars Program – Full Scholarships Available
Through this new scholarship program, TFAS will provide at least 40 full scholarships for top students to participate in our summer program. More information can be found at

Nominate a Top Student Today
Please consider nominating your top students for special scholarship consideration. We award close to a million dollars annually and preference is given to nominated students. Nominate a student today by visiting

Please share the announcement below with students interested in spending the spring or summer in Washington, DC. More information on our programs can be found at Please contact me with any questions. I can be reached at or 202.986.0384. Thank you so much for your assistance.