Washington Media Institute

Find your experience
with the Washington Media Institute

Intern full-time, earn credit, and network in the nation’s capital

Apply for Summer 2019 today!

Apply today!

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We guarantee you an internship

We’ve been placing interns for over a decade, that’s why we can guarantee you an internship at a top media organization in Washington, DC. Read how the placement process works and see where some of our students have interned in the past.

Earn Credit for your time in DC

At WMI, you’ll earn credit toward your degree through our hands-on courses. Take the skills you’re learning on campus and supercharge them with small class sizes and individualized projects.

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Get to know WMI

Interested in learning more? Ready to apply? Find out more about our program by visiting us online.

Have a question?

Send us an email at info@washmediainstitute.org