ECU Recreation and Wellness Internships

East Carolina University Campus Recreation & Wellness

Standards and Policies for Internship Students

Application Requirements: Internship applications must include a cover letter, resume, and a list of references (2 professional and 1 personal) and be submitted to the internship area supervisor (see below). Candidates possessing an interest in collegiate recreation, wellness, health, municipal recreation, military recreation, or corporate fitness are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications for internships should directed to: 

Availability: Availability of internships are on a semester by semester basis and may not be available each semester. Please heck with the contact person above before applying.

Application Deadlines: July 15 for fall term, October 15 for spring term, March 15 for summer term.

Interview: Finalists will be interviewed either by phone or in person.

Academic Requirements: The applicant must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA, with at least 60 hours of earned college undergraduate credit. Graduate students must be in good academic standing with their institution of enrollment. Preference will be given to candidates completing an internship as part of their academic program counting towards degree completion. Certification in First Aid, CPR/AED, and Blood Borne Pathogens training may be required within 30 days of hire dependent on the nature of the internship position.

Compensation: Campus Recreation & Wellness internships are unpaid.

Benefits: Free guest passes, employee discounts on equipment and free use of facilities. Assistance with housing information regarding rentals and/or potential roommates may be provided.

Term of Service: The length of the internship shall be for a minimum of 12 weeks of at least 20 hours per week.

Starting Dates: The first day of employment is negotiable, but will typically fall on the Monday, barring state holidays, of the week prior to the first day of classes each term.

Basic Expectations:

1.) Accept and adhere to departmental ethics, rules and regulations.

2.) Accept and promote departmental philosophy, methods, programs and services.

3.) Appropriate attire for all assignments and activities.

4.) Notify your supervisor well in advance in cases of absence or anticipated absences from work.

5.) Consult with your supervisor when confronted with problems that cannot be satisfactorily solved independently.

6.) Plan thoroughly and well in advance for all assignments.

7.) Perform to the best of your ability.

8.) Conduct yourself professionally and personally at all times while serving in any capacity as an intern and representing East Carolina University and Campus Recreation and Wellness.

Internship Project: All Campus Recreation and Wellness interns are required to complete a semester project. The scope of the project will be determined by mutual agreement between the intern, supervisor, and the Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness. The project should be significant in scope, and produce tangible results.

Types of Responsibilities: Internship responsibilities will vary. Internships may be structured for general duties in multiple areas of the department, or may be specific to a particular program area. Job descriptions for various program areas are listed below.

Communications: Reporting to the Coordinator of Promotions, Staff Development, and Special Events, the intern is responsible for organizing, developing, managing and implementing marketing strategies and projects within assigned programming areas. The intern is also responsible for assisting supervisors in special events planning, and other departmental events. Other duties include development and management of social media, flyers, public service announcements, and database management; strategy planning and targeting efforts; conduct presentations to designated groups; and assist with set-up/take down for special events. This position requires irregular hours, including nights and weekends.

Supervision: The intern must be under the direct supervision of a Campus Recreation and Wellness professional staff member.

Evaluation: All interns will be evaluated two times per semester.

Employee Policies and Procedures:

Employment Expectations: Each staff member has specific job responsibilities related to their job title, however all staff members must meet the following departmental expectations:

 Attend appropriate training and orientation sessions.

 Follow through on job responsibilities and familiarize yourself with policies and procedures.

 Be punctual. Work your scheduled shift(s), or cover shifts using appropriate substitution procedures as needed.

 Wear staff shirt(s) and name tag as required during work hours. Shirts should be clean and neat and project the appropriate image of professionalism.

 Use departmental telephones for official department or university business only. Personal calls are not permitted.

o Use of personal cell phone is allowed by supervisor discretion.

 No employee is allowed to participate in an activity, nor utilize the facility while on duty. No employee may leave their work area expect as released by their supervisor. It is all expected all employees will behave in a professional manner by not eating, drinking, or smoking while on duty or in their work area. Work areas should be occupied only by employees on duty.

o Lunch and/or dinner breaks are provided to employees working continuous shifts longer than r six hours.

o Employees are allowed to smoke during their assigned break period, but must be at least 25 feet away from any University building, and may not wear their staff uniform while smoking.

 Provide continuous, quality customer service during each work shift.

Student Intern Benefits: As student interns working for Campus Recreation and Wellness, you are encouraged to take advantage of the following benefits:

 Recreational access and privileges with CRW managed facilities and programs including:

 Adventure Leadership: 50% off equipment rental for personal use only.

 Fitness Classes: Free access.

 Guest Passes: 2 free guest passes per week.

Performance Evaluations for Student Interns:

Periodic performance evaluations for all student employees are completed by requisite professional staff members. The goal of the performance evaluation is to provide the student with an objective appraisal of his/ her work performance. Evaluations will be conduct twice per semester. Throughout each semester, you may also be evaluated through supervisor observations, job-specific evaluation forms, peer evaluations, and customer evaluations.

Internship Termination:

Termination of Internship: Self-Initiated

If you choose not to continue working for Campus Recreation and Wellness, the following steps should be taken.

 Contact your immediate supervisor at least ten (10) academic days prior to your last day and provide a written letter of resignation.

 Continue to work all assigned hours for the next ten (10) academic days, unless other arrangements have been authorized by your supervisor. Failure to do so will result in a “not recommended for rehire” notation being placed in your file.

Department Initiated

A verbal warning will be given to an intern the first time he/she does not perform the responsibilities of their job. The warning will be documented and placed in the intern’s file. This action may result in probation and/or termination, depending on the nature of the offense. A written letter will be given to the intern the second time he/she does not perform the responsibilities of his/her job. A subsequent offense will result in termination of the internship. This letter will be placed in the student’s file. Depending on the nature of the offense, an intern may be terminated immediately from their work assignment.

Offenses Warranting Disciplinary Action:
The following offenses are grounds for disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to discharge depending on the severity of the offense:

 Any negligent act which may endanger the safety of others or which might result in damage to, or destruction of, ECU property.

 Refusal to perform work assignments properly.

 Leaving work premises during working hours with supervisor permission.

 Being under the influence, or possessing, intoxicants or narcotics during a work shift or while participating in a department activity.

 Theft of property belonging to participants, employees, or the University.

 Disorderly conduct or the use of foul or abusive language while on duty or while participating in a department activity.

 Missing a scheduled shift, excessive tardiness and/or misrepresenting hours actually worked.

 Inappropriate action/behavior or attire while on duty or while participating in department a activity.

This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Each offense will be examined separately.

Dress Code:

Campus Recreation and Wellness is a department serving the ECU community and all employees are expected to represent the department in a professional manner. A nametag is required for specific employees in the department. Staff uniforms are only to be worn while on duty. Staff apparel is intended for departmental employees only. Employees are not allowed to wear hats, sunglasses or bandannas while working indoors accept as medically prescribed. Staff shirts are expected to be worn tucked in to khaki shorts or pants while on duty.


It is important to recognize that you are an intern of Campus Recreation and Wellness with a great deal of authority and responsibility. With this in mind, you are expected to adhere to the following guidelines.

 Foul or inappropriate language is prohibited. Even if a participant use language towards that person should his/her position in a private fashion. If a participant persists and needs to be objected from a facility, the intern should ask the participant to leave. If the participant refuses to leave, the intern should contact the Facility Manager, a professional staff member, or ECU Police.

 Interns are not allowed to smoke or chew tobacco while at any Campus Recreation and Wellness facility.

 Interns are prohibited from being under the influence of any substance considered inappropriate in the University Substance Abuse Guidelines.

 Interns should remain observant at all times in reference to participant moods (loud or abusive language) or spectator conduct.

 All participants are to be treated with fairness.

Substance Abuse:

“It is expected that East Carolina University students, faculty members, administrators, interns and other employees who use or possess alcoholic beverages will do so as legally prescribed by the laws of the state of North Carolina, within regulations of East Carolina University, and in a manger which does not disrupt the lives of others. A person whose conduct is outside these parameters will be subject to judicial rules and procedures of the university” – East Carolina University Alcohol and Drug Awareness Policy Manual. As an intern of Campus Recreation and Wellness, alcohol of substance abuse is strictly prohibited while on duty or while acting as a participant in departmental programming.

Sexual Harassment:

The following situations constitute sexual harassment:

 Making verbal remarks or committing physical actions that propose to people of either sex that they engage in or tolerate activities of a sexual nature in order to avoid some punishment or to receive some reward.

 Singling out people or either sex and creating, or attempting to create a hostile adversity working environment, or otherwise attempting to harm or harming people because of their sex.

 Continuing verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the person or persons the conduct is directed toward has indicated clearly, by word or action, that this conduct is unwanted.

This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Each situation is examined separately.

Key Utilization:

A complete assortment of keys providing access to all facilities, specifically for utility aids and other student personnel including lifeguards is maintained in the facilities office. These keys are for work assignments only and are not to be utilized for personal use/gain.

Computer and Equipment Use:

Computers are to be utilized for work purposes only. Interns are only allowed to use computers in their designated work areas as directed by their supervisors and job descriptions. Use of computers for personal use, games, and internet surfing on work time is strictly prohibited, and is subject to disciplinary action and/ or dismissal. Use of computers and ECU equipment while off duty is also considered misuse of state property. No one other than authorized personnel is allowed to use departmental computers or other office equipment. This includes friends, participants and family members.

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